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Yarra Energy Foundation's role and scope of liability

Yarra Energy Foundation's role and scope of liability

Yarra Energy Foundation (referred to as “YEF”) was engaged by Hume City Council as an independent partner to help deliver the Hume Home Energy Upgrades program.

The suppliers listed by YEF have been carefully vetted to ensure they are well-suited for residential projects, but they represent just a portion of the options available in the market. It’s important for property owners to choose a supplier that best meets their needs and to do their research to make an informed decision. While striving to provide helpful guidance, YEF doesn’t warrant the content or accuracy of the information provided.

Additionally, YEF provides no guarantee regarding the services or products offered by the suppliers, and cannot take responsibility for any issues that might arise from the installation of home energy upgrades, including any potential loss, damage, or injury.

If a supplier, their contractors, or the manufacturers of components they use, experience financial difficulties, YEF can’t be held responsible for any disruptions in service or warranties. Any costs associated with upgrading site infrastructure to accommodate home energy upgrades will be the responsibility of the property owner.