The Hume Home Energy Upgrades program is currently not accepting new registrations from residents seeking quotes on rooftop solar, heating and cooling, hot water, or induction cooktops (as of Friday 6 December 2024).
The appointed supplier, EnviroGroup, is focusing on helping residents who have already registered by providing quotes and completing installations for those who wish to proceed. There has been a high level of interest in the program from the Hume community; and there have been challenges with the capacity of the supplier.
Hume City Council is working with Yarra Energy Foundation to select and appoint a new supplier for solar and efficient electric upgrades in early 2025. Further updates will be communicated on this page.
Hume residents can continue to register for insulation and draught-proofing upgrades. Once registered, the supplier, Enviroflex, will contact you to arrange a free, no-obligation quote, in the usual way.
To read more information about each product and view the prices, click the box you are interested in.