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Fletcher Glasswool and Polyester Solutions

Bulk insulation is effective at keeping homes warm in winter and cool in summer. All bulk insulation products are made of majority recycled product in Australia. Polyester insulation is particularly good for people who want a low-allergenic product. 

All prices in the table include GST.

Products are supplied and installed by Enviroflex.

Polyester insulation is particularly good for people who want a low-allergenic product.

Insulation R-value: The R value is a measure of a material’s resistance to heat flow. The higher the R value, the greater the insulating effect, resulting in improved thermal comfort. Enviroflex staff can visit your home and assess the existing amount of insulation. They can install in homes without insulation or top up existing insulation.  To meet the minimum roof insulation requirements of the National Construction Code, batts are typically installed to achieve an R-value of R4.1. For the Greater Melbourne climate, it is considered better practice to install insulation to achieve an R-value of R5, where space and any other constraints permit. 

As an example, a typical home in Hume could have 130 sq m of ceiling space to be insulated. For an uninsulated ceiling, the base price to supply and install insulation up to R4.1 would be $2,660 (without concession) or $1,660 (with concession rebate), plus any additional costs specific to your circumstances (e.g. Ease of access, any impediments to carrying out the works, an electrical inspection for a Certificate of Electrical Safety and/or removal of existing insulation where necessary). 

As a guide to the area of ceiling to be insulated, your home’s floor plan document may include floor area (sq m). 

* Hume regular price: Prices in the table are based on standard installations of insulation – the final cost of your installation will be provided in a free, no obligation quote. The final cost depends on your specific circumstances, such as an electrical inspection for a Certificate of Electrical Safety and/or removal of existing insulation where necessary.

Note that all insulation jobs through the program require a current Certificate of Electrical Safety. You may choose to have Enviroflex’s electrician provide the certificate (at a cost of $330 inc. GST for non-concession card holders) or arrange one through a suitably qualified electrician.

Note: there are currently no Victorian Government rebates available for insulation.

** Hume concession price: Hume City Council offers the following rebate to eligible concession card holding homeowners who choose to have ceiling insulation installed through the Home Energy Upgrades program: 

  • $1,000 rebate for the whole ceiling insulation job, based on a minimum total job cost of $1,100 (the concession homeowner pays at least $100). Rebate applies whether insulation is being topped up or installed in a ceiling without insulation, plus;
  • $330 to cover the cost of Enviroflex’s electrician carrying out an inspection and issuing a Certificate of Electrical Safety.

No rebates apply for wall or underfloor insulation.

Limited Council rebates are available through the program and are applied at point of sale by our vetted supplier, Enviroflex.  One Council rebate for ceiling insulation is available per property owned and occupied by an eligible concession card holder. 

Find out which concession cards are eligible for the rebates.


Glasswool ceiling insulation is guaranteed to last the lifetime of your home (a lifetime product warranty). Polyester ceiling and underfloor insulation come with 70-year warranties. Blowin glasswool wall insulation has a 50-year warranty. 

Additional options

For Hume residents seeking reflective insulation to reflect radiant heat, you can request a quote from Enviroflex. Reflective insulation is usually shiny aluminium foil laminated onto a substrate. There are no Council concession rebates for reflective foil products.  

Need help?

If you have any questions about the products or pricing, or would like assistance to understand or compare quotes, please contact Yarra Energy Foundation on (03) 7037 6040.